Here comes the preview of the premaster version of Aarariro.... - Our newest track.
Swaminathan - Concept, Music & Lyrics
Harish - Music, Vocals & Violin and String Arrangement
Ganesh Ram - Keyboards, Percussions, Programming
Padmaja Swetha - Vocals
Gokul Abhishek - Recording, Mixing & Mastering (Music Mint Studios - Bangalore)
hey, its lovely! had to listen discretely in ofc tho..:P will go bk 2 it agn later.. n hey, the female vocalz good too this time, tho i liked ur rendition of the slow bit(in the first clip) slightly more:) liked d violin bit too, n basically the concept - lullaby n the associations, n the tune..its a great combo
2:19 PM
thanks thanks :)
2:43 PM
encore encore ! it has been running on a loop ! this is swell .. wonderful renditions !! you guys will go places !
12:15 AM
thanks a lot Vj!
10:35 AM
Fab as usual!!
2:15 PM
Thanks a lot chettan, chechi and Tejas ( dhruv also:)). Hope you are doing great there!
12:41 PM
Harish, beautiful song. Good luck for F6.
3:10 PM
hey harish..........fabulous song
8:42 PM
Kaunquest & Aks:
Thanks a lot for the encouragement!
10:03 AM
Hey Harish, its a lovely song. Hope to buy your album as soon as its launched :-) Paddu's vocals was very good.
5:25 PM
Harish, Amazing work you've done here man. Could you please send me your email ID to jocalling@gmail.com?
9:47 PM
No way to stop drop in again..cuz i lov this " Araariro" ,some how i am very fond of listening lullabiez..this song u hav added here is an amazing one,i recorded it with my cool edit so i can listen tat offline,Swetha's voice added the cream for the song..
Well done guyz once again..!!
9:50 AM
Thanks a lot! The album will take some time to come by, but its very heartening to see that I will certainly have one buyer!
Thanks, and some lovely work u have done in ur blog site. Keep it high, Bro!
Feels very good to know that you liked our track. do hit this space often, will be getting more tracks up here!
10:18 AM
Congratulations...No words to express my feelings.!!
Amazinig work Sir.!! Hats Off.!!
Orchestration, lyrics, singing..!! what to praise I don't know.!!!
11:13 AM
Thanks a lot Narayan! Went through your poems.. Would love to compose one of those in future, dont know if we could do justice to those fine lyrics, but if we have ur permission, would definiltey love to try!
12:05 PM
Please go for it. I'll only feel honored..!
Thanks for your thoughts.
6:38 PM
Wonderful song...kudos to the whole team.
12:24 AM
Not sure ..why..everytime I listen to this song.!! I get goosebumps.!! God..the instruments...the raaga, words..everything.!!! Its so pleasing to the ears and the soul.
Hats off the Mr.Swaminathan, GaneshRam.!!
You and Ms.Padmaja, have an amazing voice. Even the teaser below is awesome.!!
Probably the best 'Thaalattu' I've listened to..since I got out of my Mom's lap.!! I mean it Harish...Long time now..since i listened to such a nice lullaby.!!!
7:00 AM
Magic Lens:
Thanks a lot, Will certainly strive to bring out better music in future. Looking forward to your support
Narayanan Sir:
Thank you verymuch. Thats the most heartening compliment we have ever gotten for our work. Have passed on the kind word to the entire crew and please accept their heartfelt gratitude also.
9:59 AM
Looks like theres something wrong with my network, I'm unable to listen to aaraariroo, tried both the teaser as well as the actual song.. is it possible at all to mail me the song? I just heard a bit of ur work, and it sounds wonderful, and cant wait to listen to this one too:)
Thanx in advance..
6:06 PM
Wow! I have absolutely no words to describe this, just beautiful in every way, the vocals were soul stirring, and the music complemented the lyrics so well.. congratulations to the whole team:)Great job! Very soothing..
11:08 PM
Thanks a lot for the encouragement, Jaya!
1:31 PM
hi harish.. visiting ur blog for the first time... amazing work this is... feels really moving.. wonderful arragment and your voice flows very naturally.. good work shweta to...
great work guys.. :) Come with more such amazing pieces...
4:16 AM
Dear Harish,
Words cant express what an amazing job you have done here. It really brings tears to my eyes. Romba urukkamaa paadirkka and ofcourse your orchestra has done a great job as well. Congrats!
3:22 AM
great man... amazing violin.. i like everything... the best peice being latchiya paathai... Amazing everytime i hear it i just get into some kinda trance..and end up crying..u have a very beautiful voice
But in this peice.. u cud have seen ur sruti better ..
3:06 AM
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