karnaranjini - This raaga always amused me! This raaga makes me think, think and think more. Whats that which makes a raaga special? If I ask this question to 10 people i am sure i will get more than 20 views! coz I myself have many reasons for liking a raaga. But in this case, its not just liking the raaga, its more than that. Lemme try to tell you why.
Now for the benefit of those who havent heard karnaranjini before:
Its Janya of Kharaharapriya.
The arohana & avarohana are as below:
- S R2 G1 M1 G1 P D2 S
- S N2 D2 P M1 G1 R2 S
Karnaranjini is so much like kharaharapriya, yet a lot different. Usually janyas of the genre of Karnaranjini (by that statement I mean a raaga formed simply by rearranging the swarams of the parent, which is the case here) would sound almost pretty much like its parent. Here its a different story altogether. The emphasis on the D P G sanchaara adds that unmatchable pathos touch to this raaga. Also the S R G M G P formations that can be used in alaaps as well as kalpana swarams gives a special identity to this raagam.
Havent heard anything beyond vaanchathonuna, Om namoh naarayana and Deenesharanyane in carnatic music compositions in this raagam. I dont know the name of the hindustaani equivalent of this raaga, but this has been used in ghazals with ease by a lot of maestros. ofcourse the raaga is not used as is but thats the beauty of a ghazal.The most common ways in which karnaranjini is used in ghazals is by mixing it with rathipathipriya & kaanada.
Listen to Kucch door hamaare saath chalo (Play the 5th song once you open the link) by Hariharan. This one has glimpses of all the above mentioned raagas, but the soul is that of Karnaranjini. Another great example of this raaga being used in light music is the song Ilamai yenum poonkatru by Ilaiyaraja. Also three Cheers to Madurai T N Seshagopalan Sir for giving this raaga the respectability it rightfully deserves by rendering vaanchathonnu as a main piece and also rendering a Raagam taanam pallavi in this raagam (Man! I attended this concert at Thriuvananthapuram in 2002, Was spellbound)
I am making a modest attempt at singing this as a main piece for my upcoming concert on Dec 10th in Cochin. Have a great day all of you!